What Weekend?
Look what law school has done to me! I spent my whole weekend studying and not partying in New Law School City! Well, not the whole weekend studying, I did do brunch with the girls on Saturday AND Sunday. And I did catch up on all the shows that have backed up on the DVR. Oh, and I did some reading for fun (the first time since classes started 5 weeks ago!). And there was some baking time spent. And I cleaned my room and kitchen (the living room and dining room is on the list for this week). I did get through the first 3 LEEWS disks (for the 2nd time). I did get caught up on my Crim reading and finished my Civ Pro reading for the week, but don't even get me started on Con Law!!!!
Ok, so its not like I wasted the weekend, but I didn't party OR get all the studying done that I needed to. This is what law school has driven me to. I spend the week in class, library, Starbucks, studying all the time, drafting memos, or sleeping. The law school dominates so much of my time that I'm now skipping out on going out with my friends so that I can stay home and clean and bake and do all those ordinary people things that I couldn't find time to do during the week. I do always manage to go out on Thursday night, that's my reward for surviving another week. And I usually manage to go out on Saturday night, but that depends on how much studying I get done during the week and if I have Legal Writing to work on.
I really wish there was a break somewhere, time to breathe, relax, go on vaca, time go visit my family, lots of time to go shopping (that of course requires $$ which is in short supply these days). Just time to sit outside with a cup of coffee and read the paper and not be worrying about the reading that is due and the exams that are looming in the distance.
I think this week I will kill myself getting ahead of all my classes and i will spend the weekend with my best friend shopping, gossiping and drinking lots of wine!
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