Monday, May 28, 2007

Proud to Be an American

Every day should be Memorial Day. We should never forget the brave men and women who defend our freedom.

Bub is in Iraq right now. Everyday we pray that he comes home safe. He is a third generation militaryman. Grampa T and Grampy fought in WWII. Grampa T was Army-Airforce, he flew rescue missions and was shot down over the English Channel. Grampy was part of the Normandy Invasion on D-Day and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. I am so honored to call Bub and Grampa T and Grampy, Family. I'm proud of the sacrifices they made to keep us safe.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Little Common Courtesy and Consideration PLEASE!!

**Rant Begins** Bad manners is one of my biggest peeves. This is not to say that I am always the best example, but I try 90% of the time. I had a MANDATORY meeting, on a Sunday evening no less! There are 2 reasons that the scheduling of this meeting annoyed me. 1) The scheduler knows that I have to be up @ 4am on Monday mornings, 2) I don't drive (lots of different reasons), i walk or take public transpo; usually no problem except on Sundays the buses stop running before 8pm. I told the scheduler of this issue, made sure she knew it was inconvenient for me, but that I would be there. So what happens? I get my butt to the office, such a hassle, only to find that they cancelled the meeting but failed to tell me!!!! WTF??!?!? Come on! OF all the people to not tell, you forget to call the one person who you're really screwing over? THANKS!! I ended up having to walk all the way back to mere's not getting home until late and missing out on important hours of sunday night sleep, therefore making me very cranky when I had to get up @ 4am on Monday morning!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I'm so ready to be done with this girl and her lack of courtesy! I'm not coming to your next "Mandatory Meeting"!!!!
**Rant Over**

In Law School news, I've conditionally decided on a school!! Some of the friends are happy w/ my choice of New City, others are disappointed b/c I didn't choose their city. :-( Sorry Girls! I'm excited about moving into a new apt. and getting to decorate a new place! Sadly, every time I move I seem to pick a new color scheme, which means that I need to get all new decor! Expensive habit, but fun too!! I've already found my bed, dresser, and desk! I'm starting to get nervous about the actual moving process though. I'm sure that I can find people to help with the big stuff, but I'm already in "moving help debt" to my friends in the city I'm moving to! I'm going to need a LOT of ice cold beer and a yummy dinner to bribe them this time!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Trapped Inside

I have to say HAPPY MOTHER'S Day!! to all the mommies out there!

What I learned today: i have a LOT of crap! As a mothers day present today I'm packing up and getting rid of a lot of stuff that I've had cluttering up my mom's house for so many years. It seems that every time I move btween places I bring stuff home to Mere's and throw it in storage, to be saved for that house that I'll buy someday in the future! Well, it's been 10 years of moving and I've still yet to buy that house and now Mere is wanting to move at the end of the summer. that means that either I pack it up and take it with me when i move to school or it'll be thrown out on the front lawn, and I wouldn't put this past Mere, she did it to me when I was 16 and refused to clean my room. I came home from school and my whole bedroom was on the front lawn for all the world to see. So embarassing! I don't want to have all my possessions thrown out, so today I gave Mere the best Mommy's Day gift, I cleaned out the chest of drawers, 1 of 2 walk-in closets, and emptied 3 boxes that I shipped home when I moved back from abroad a few years ago (yes, they were still sitting there unopened from all those years!!).

Happy Mother's Day, Mere!!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Fumée et Brouillard Enfumé

(trans: smoke and smog = SICK!) :-(
I hate being sick! It's so not fun and so not fair when it's not even my fault! I mean if I had gone out partying and skipping sleep and not working out and not eating right then, fine, I deserve it. But all because of global warming and some idiot causing a forest fire I'm trapped inside my house. The smoke is so bad outside that you can't even see 50meters infront of you! At least I have stuff that I need to get done at home so its not a complete waste of a day.

Monday, May 7, 2007

I hate mondays!

I was so ambitious this weekend. I was convinced that this was my week to get it all together. HAHA! Part of my getting it all together was a new plan for my mornings. I was hoping to streamline the process and gain a few extra needed minutes in the morning. I decided that instead of getting completely ready for work at home and then looking a mess when I finally got to the job and spending time fixing what the commute messed up, I would put my workout clothes on and carry my work clothes and then change when I got there, thus eliminating the "redo" part of my morning and for once maybe I'd be ontime (or as close as I get to ontime). As an added bonus, I'd be sure to remember my workout clothes so I'd have no excuse to skip the my run during my lunchbreak, Score!!

Yeah, well, somehow I took just as long to get half-ready as I do to get all the way ready (I'm a great lolligagger). so when I got to work I was not only just as late as usual, but then I had to still finish getting ready (which takes longer than just fixing-up). Thus making me late for the morning and throwing off the whole schedule for the day. Now I have to skip the planned lunchbreak-run to catch up on the stuff I needed to get done this morning (with the extra time I was supposed to have found with this plan)! Blasted! My plan didn't even last 1 day! I have a headache. Maybe I'll just crawl under the desk and take a power nap ;-)

Bonne Nuit!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hope for the Future?

Nicolas Sarkozy élu à la présidence de la République à une large majorité

French Elect a New Prez

Au Revoir Jaques Chirac. The French elected a new President today, Nicolas Sarkozy. I don't agree with all of the French policies (and attitudes) but, of the choices, Sarkozy was a better pick over Segolene Royal, sometimes she's just scary

Summer in Provence

I can't even begin about this movie! Yes, it's true that I fall hard for an accent, guilty, but that's not the reason I'm in love. After watching this movie I remember what I love about France. It's not Paris (although my love affair with this city is long and passionate, albeit tumultuos at times), it's the small quaint villages that have character, it's the lazy afternoons spent sipping a beautiful bottle of wine. Living in France is an experience for all the senses. There is beautiful scenery, but the taste and smells of fresh baking bread from the boulangerie and the taste of the pain au chocolat so flaky and buttery and warm the chocolat melts, or the taste of a cheap bottle of wine enjoyed on a summer day with friends watching the sun set from the steps of the beautiful cathedral (except for the smell of the metros during summer rushhours when the people aren't wearing deodorant and there is no air conditioning (la climatisation)) Forget law school I'm buying a villa in Provence where I can sit and contemplate the world while tasting all the wines the region has to offer.

At the very least I've decided that if I can't get a paying firm job next summer, I'm studying abroad. I miss living abroad. It makes me so aprreciative of what I have when I come home.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

Cinco de Mayo brings back memories of a fun night out with Amie in Paris. We were craving real mexican food, which is almost non-existant in a country that shuns spicy food. The closest we could find was an american tex-mex chain. Not even close to real mexican food and the margaritas were trés cher and trés faible! So we sent her boy out on a mission to find us tequila to add to the margs. 30€ later we had the most kick-ass frozen margaritas and we were WAAAsted! I wish I could find the photo evidence of that night...or maybe they're better off lost! ;-) Anyways...

Remember...It's always on 5 at Margaritaville!


I have so much that I need to be doing, but I just feel gross from the winter. So, in lieu of getting somthing useful done, I am off to get prettied up and do some necessary damage to the AmEx! Summer is almost here and I am ready for the change of season, the season that brings...
sandals pedicures
flirty sundresses and childhood memories of lazy days in the sun
Au revoir l'hiver! L'été, Je t'aime!