Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Not quite High School

I remember back in high school, the teachers gave us a summer reading list and first day assignments to go with them. Usually it was the night before school was starting and all my friends were trying to guess which book we'd start the semester with. Praying we pick the right book, we stayed up all night reading and then writing our journal assignments. Then we got to school and, in all the excitement of seeing all our friends again, promptly forgot anything we had read the night before. Law school is a little different, there's a little more pressure and expectation that you will actually read the assigned books, before the night before classes start.

My first day assignments are posted and the booklists are out. Classes start in 3.5 weeks and I'm already ahead in Civ Pro :-) Woooot, summer reading didn't fail me! Buffalo Creek Disaster is part of the 1st day assignment and our text is Glannon's Civ Pro E&E! Of course I still have LEEWS to finish and Delaney's Learning Legal Reasoning to finish. I haven't started 1L so I don't know if any summer prepping did any good, but it calmed my nerves and kept the boredom at bay. This is not to say that I followed the Planet Law School 1 year prep (that guy is crazy!) I took the advice of 2Ls and 3Ls and enjoyed myself during my last summer of freedom. I partied, I travelled, I drank a lot of wine, and I slept. But at the office, the mornings are soooooo boring and when I got hired my boss made an exception to the rule for me and we agreed that I could read instead of staring off into space for 3 hours, so long as it was reading for school! No Cosmo or US Weekly, whatever I was reading had to be school related. So I skimmed the E&Es for Civ Pro and Torts, skipped Criminal (bored me to tears, hopefully there's a better Crim hornbook out there!), and then I started reading the "suggested" summer reading list from the law school. Ok, so it sounds like I did a lot of prep, but I promise I'm not the gunner!!!!! Instead, I'm the nerd who loves to read (even if I don't completely understand what I'm reading) and I'm the girl who hates to be bored so I always have a book on hand.

Ok, I think I need to go sit by the pool with the girls, drink a margarita, and open up a really trashy novel!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Bonne Chance!!

Sending out Happy thoughts and lots of luck to everyone out there taking the bar today and tomorrow! That'll be me in 3 years! UGH! 3 years sounds so far off all of a sudden. I haven't even started classes yet and I'm already dreading the next 3 years and studying for the bar. I think I need to back up, I'm getting ahead of myself, I need to make it through the next month!

Summer is almost over. My years of just "playing" are almost over. In 3 weeks I'll be back in the academia world. Soaking up the law like a sponge. That list of "To Do's" is still long and I have now accepted that that's the way it'll stay for the next few months. I just don't have the time to get everything done before I move in 2 weeks. I barely have time to finish up at the awful office and pack and say my good-byes!

Today at the awful office job I started reminding all my clients that I only have 2 weeks left! Most of them are so sad to see me go. The supervisor on the other hand, well, she replaced me faster than 2 shakes of a lamb's tail. Hope the new guy realizes what he's getting himself into. Some the clients have hinted that next week I'll be finding going away gifts on my desk. awwwww :-) I heart some of them so much. We've bonded over the disgustingly early mornings filled with energy drinks and looking for ways to stay awake and keep the boredom at bay. One of my clients this morning told me that he wants to set me up with his young, eligible, successful son. Unfortunately, said son lives on the opposite coast, 3500 miles from Law School City! Maybe if he's so successful he'll be the one willing to put in the effort to come visit me, b/c i've seen my school calendar and its looking like I am not going to be taking too many mini-break vaca's this year. Grad school isn't like undergrad with lots of long weekends for Homecomeing, Veteran's Day, Columbus Day, Teachers' Day...

All said, I can't wait to start law school!!! I'm so excited to be moving to the Law School City in 2 weeks!!! :-D

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Required Reading

My law school hasn't sent out our syllabus with the book list, first day assignments, etc., but some of the other schools that I was considering published "suggested" reading lists. The "suggestion" is polite way of "requiring" that students read long lists of books that are supposed to prepare students for law school. I know that with only a month to go until I start school there's no way that I can read 30+ books, as well as pack up my household for a long-distance move. I decided to begin with the most popular books that sound at least a little interesting. We'll have to see how many books I actually finish before classes begin in August. There are so many non-law books that I want to read before i start living in the library and have to spend 23 hours a day reading case books! I love reading for fun, not having time to read for fun this year is going to be so hard!!

I started my "suggested" pre-law readings with The Buffalo Creek Disaster. . It is surprisingly good! It's about a disaster in coal-mining town in the 1970's and how the victims sued the mining company. It moves fast and explains the litigation process without being to complex. I finished it in a day and a half!

Next up is either biography of Holmes or The Supreme Court by Rehnquist.

Then again I'm really wanting to read Dispatches from the Edge by Anderson Cooper or a fun fiction. Suggestions?