**Rant Begins** Bad manners is one of my biggest peeves. This is not to say that I am always the best example, but I try 90% of the time. I had a MANDATORY meeting, on a Sunday evening no less! There are 2 reasons that the scheduling of this meeting annoyed me. 1) The scheduler knows that I have to be up @ 4am on Monday mornings, 2) I don't drive (lots of different reasons), i walk or take public transpo; usually no problem except on Sundays the buses stop running before 8pm. I told the scheduler of this issue, made sure she knew it was inconvenient for me, but that I would be there. So what happens? I get my butt to the office, such a hassle, only to find that they cancelled the meeting but failed to tell me!!!! WTF??!?!? Come on! OF all the people to not tell, you forget to call the one person who you're really screwing over? THANKS!! I ended up having to walk all the way back to mere's not getting home until late and missing out on important hours of sunday night sleep, therefore making me very cranky when I had to get up @ 4am on Monday morning!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! I'm so ready to be done with this girl and her lack of courtesy! I'm not coming to your next "Mandatory Meeting"!!!!
**Rant Over**
In Law School news, I've conditionally decided on a school!! Some of the friends are happy w/ my choice of New City, others are disappointed b/c I didn't choose their city. :-( Sorry Girls! I'm excited about moving into a new apt. and getting to decorate a new place! Sadly, every time I move I seem to pick a new color scheme, which means that I need to get all new decor! Expensive habit, but fun too!! I've already found my bed, dresser, and desk! I'm starting to get nervous about the actual moving process though. I'm sure that I can find people to help with the big stuff, but I'm already in "moving help debt" to my friends in the city I'm moving to! I'm going to need a LOT of ice cold beer and a yummy dinner to bribe them this time!