About Me
I love everything Pink, but I try not to go over the top; There are some green and blues in my wardrobe too.
I have spent a lot of time traveling around the world, but there is so much more the I need to see. I'm working my way through 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, I've got a good portion of Europe, the US, and Africa.
My life has a soundtrack. I love listening to music and I'm rarely without my iPod. When I drive, I usually have the top down, music up and i sing without caring who hears me.
I love water, being in it, looking at it, touching it. I have been known to take a 2 hour bubble bath and on occasion I fall asleep in the shower.
"I cannot catch, cannot throw. In all honesty, I am afraid of the ball. Balls are something that Cinderellas attend, not orbital devices that cause serious bodily injury." (I borrowed this quote from Think Like a Woman, Act Like a Man's blawg, it's so perfect!
I can't do my hair and makeup in the morning with my shirt on, so once or twice (a week ;-) ) I'll step outside before I realize that i forgot to finish getting dressed.
I love to wear dresses and skirts, I do own jeans and trousers, but those are only for the coldest of days in the winter. I'm never caught in shorts, even at the gym I wear this:
I can sleep anywhere. My best friends can vouch for this and my family has a collection of pictures from family trips of me sleeping (they're not attractive pictures, i try to keep them out of the public eye), but don't worry i don't drool.
I've only had cable for a total of 4 years in my life and it doesn't bother me. With itunes I can download my favorite shows: Grey's Anatomy, House, Numb3rs, NCIS, CSI: Miami, Law&Order SVU. I appreciate the shows with intelligent writing and charaters. I can't tolerate reality tv or courtroom tv (judge judy, etc).
I'm stubborn as all hell, but I'm also fiercely loyal.
I wish I was more eloquent and a better writer.
My favorite time of day is nap time and bath time. No, I'm not a 2 year old, but I still take naps and bubble baths.
Bad manners is my pet peeve, especially table manners. If you talk with your mouth full, I'm likely to ignore you, or get up and leave the table.
I watch tv with closed captioning on and i prefer to watch dvds with foreign subtitles or dubbed in an attempt to improve my language skills
If you're wearing white pants/skirt/shirt, wear nude colored bra or panties, not white, I don't need to see that!
My body doen't adjust to sudden temperature changes so if it's cold outside i'm usually hot when I go inside and in the summer I'm usually freezing.
I don't have a great sense of taste so I usually eat by texture. I can't handle slimy or mushy, don't get me started on bananas!
I drink a lot. Not just wine and martinis, but tea, coffee, water, orange juice, smoothies, I could easily live on a liquid diet. Living in France I learned to appreciate cheap wine and the fresh squeezed OJ that mom used to give me every morning growing up (oj in france is so bitter! blech!)
I speak 4 languages, but my goal is to be proficient in 10.
I can't make a decision to save my life. My family knows that to give me a hard time give me 3 choices, I can handle 2 but, 3 throws me!
My grammar pet-peeve is passive voice (thanks to my h.s. freshman writing prof drilling it into us!)
I love fromage! Goat cheese, feta, mozerella, cheddar, brie...everything but stinky cheese, don't give me no blue cheese, roquefort, blech!
I would much rather be a passenger/navigator than driver in a car. Driving makes me nervous. Its a good thing my best friend loves to drive!
I love penguins and dolphins and monkeys
Give me a map and my trusty compass (My fave Pirates quote: "This compass is broken! It doesn't point North!" My Johnny: "We didn't want to go North anyway!") and I can navigate us anywhere!
I'm always up for an adventure to destinations unknown, but please, when I get there, let there be wine!