Monday, March 31, 2008

Don't Panic!

But finals are almost here! Holy S**t!!! Where the heck did the semester go? What happened to all of my plans to start outlining really early this semester? I just finished my exam study schedule and I want to just get back in bed and hide under the covers.

I'll be sad to see this year end. It's been brutal at times, but being a 1L is kinda fun, in that "everything's new and there's still hope for us all to become big successful lawyers and make enough $$ to pay of these debts" exciting way.


Unknown said...


do you go to AU-WCL?

good luck wuth finals!

Katie said...

You and me both! Ah, the best laid plans. I was going to have all of my outlines finished by now, and as it stands, I'm only about a sixteenth of the way into the first one. Blugh.